Welcome to our Home Port!

We are a new, welcoming, vibrant, and family friendly living history unit based out of the coastal regions of the Carolinas and Georgia, with an interest in accurately portraying mariners from early America (be they pirates, privateers, Patriots, or merchantmen) and their families. Whether at festivals, in classrooms, or at local museums, we volunteer our time to educate, inform, and inspire our fellow citizens to study the region's 17th and 18th-century past in fun and dynamic ways. Explore our site or visit us on social media to learn more or join!   

Update 11 December 2023: We are excited that one of our officers, Adam Morrow, has just published a book, Pirate Ghosts & Buried Treasures of the Southeast Coast: A Historical Assessment on Pirate Folklore: Exploring Myths and Legends from Florida to Virginia, on pirate folklore in the Southeast. Check it out! It is very well researched and available on Amazon. 
